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February 2020
Sculpture at Bathers 2020
This work continue my exploration of the process of coral bleaching and discolouration and the parallels this draws with our society's attachment to technology and social media. More than ever our disengagement, distance and disconnection with nature and with our own emotion is growing. This wor is about connection and disconnection.
The more we stay connected the wider the gap with our identity becomes, yet nature has a way of re-conquering and repossessing lost abandoned places and reinventing itself.
In the figures the top part of the head, where the brain resides, is bleached and in the shape of a coral, as if a mutation is taking place.

photo by Tegan Court -Coral boy and girl ( I am always connected ) 2019-2020 3d print acrylic UV resin, foam, paint and steel base

Coral boy and girl ( I am always connected) 2019-2020 3D print, acrylic UV resin, paint, steel base

detail, Coral boy ( I am always connected) 2020
3D print, acrylic UV resin, paint, steel base
detail, Coral girl ( I am always connected) 2019
3D print, acrylic UV resin, paint, steel base

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